Monday, October 9, 2017

Experience picking and raising cat scenes

Select healthy breed cats, ensuring the following requirements: agility, smooth hair, bright eyes, around the mouth and rim clean without rust. With the handle of the skin on the back of the cat lifted off the ground to see the hind legs and tail forward to the belly.

 Cat nurturing

- Familiarize and fix cats: When bringing new cats home, it is necessary to tie a fixed string to the cat collar. Tie the neck so that the button is easy to remove, but the button is dead to not drop without making the neck choke. The strap is 80-100 cm long. Cat column fixed into a place, use cardboard box into a low, padded soft cloth to make a drive to the edge of the cats for the cat lying. Pay attention to frequent observations and change the cushion for cats. Fixed time about 3 days is the familiar cats, can drop free cats.

- How to teach cats to go to the toilet: use boxes, plastic pots, low iron, coal, sand and then next to the place where the cat, instinctively cats will go to the toilet. Changing charcoal often, not to keep filthy, cats will not go to the toilet.
- Cat food: mainly fish, meat, vegetables ... When young, cat needs protein more often, so cats eat fish, fish should bake or store and pay attention not to cats salty .

Detects cats of the estrus

- When the female cat is about 6 months old will start estrus. When the oestrus sounds out loud, the sound emitted the most clearly at night. The cats' periods are about 3 - 4 days, and they are on the 4th day.

- Cats can get as many cats as possible, because the colors, the hairs of the cubs will be more beautiful and vitality higher.

Caring for cats

- Cats 59 - 62 days (2 months) are born. When preparing to cats, mothers have the expression: mother cats find litter, abnormal abdominal discomfort, slow travel cautiously, the external genital swelling and laxative, udder stretch, wriggle There is white milk flowing out.

- When the mother cat appears to give birth, to make a cat for birth. Spawning is made of cardboard boxes, plastic basins with soft lining for cats and must be placed in a quiet, clean and quiet environment.
Let your mother give birth, lick and bite your baby, only intervene when necessary.
- Absolutely not allow strangers to cross the cats because it will stimulate the mother cat, they will get rid of other places, not breastfeeding or biting children ...

Take care of kittens

- Kittens who completely lay their eyes closed, can find their own breasts to breastfeed. Mother kittens will clean the kittens during breastfeeding.
- The kitten's main food is breast milk, so the time for raising children needs to be nurtured and care for the mother. Feed cats 3 to 4 times a day with nutritious food. If you see little cats milk, kittens are always hungry mouths to use milk mixed with warm water for the mother cats to increase the amount of milk to feed. Around the 13th day from birth kittens started to open their eyes.
- About the 35th day for kittens eaten with flour or with rice paste. After 45 days of age, kittens have eaten their own food that can be separated from their mother

How to care for cats

Cute lovely cats always make the baby excited and no longer feel lonely. Sometimes when my father is busy working, my mom is busy cooking and I do not have time to play with my baby, lovely cats will be my dear ones.

The warmth of the cat miu:

The preparation is quite important. Let's take a corner of the house to warm the cat as the foot of the stairs, next to the closet ... Mom can buy a cute basket with cotton mattress or a beautiful home for the future cat family.
After cleaning the place, mother and baby can be assured to choose a healthy and beautiful cat. To choose a healthy and loving cat must also find out very meticulous. Cats must have nimbleness, smooth hair, bright eyes, around the mouth and no rusty spots. When the crook of the cat lifted up to see the hind legs and tail forward to the belly of the cat will be very healthy it.

Cat food:

Moms do not have to worry about finding and cooking dishes that are attractive and easy for cats. For kittens, milk is the best product. After the period of breastfeeding, let the mother feed her kitten with a meal or with rice paste. When cats are big, cats like rice dishes mixed with fish, meat, and can put vegetables in again. Remember that cats are very afraid of salt, so salt is very low. And every day please remind the cat to change the cat bowl of water 2 to 3 times. When they are too busy, moms can also go to supermarkets to buy some kind of industrial dry food for cats like Royal Cannin Club, Kent ... to change the taste.

Miu cat hygiene:

Cats are as hyperactive and naughty as your baby so sometimes it will be very unhygienic. So cleaning and bathing for cats is also a very important step. A week can take a cat bath 1 to 2 times. Firstly, mothers must prepare warm water, towels, bath oil, comb and dryer. Because cats are sensitive and susceptible to illness, they must take a quick shower, dry them, and avoid splashing water into their eyes and ears. When mothers bathing cat, always stay with the mother to support, sometimes even coo to win miu miu cat not angry and scratched.

Raising a cat is also a way for your baby to take care of and love your loved ones right from birth. From there, he can learn and help his mother a lot in cooking, cleaning up the baby and more importantly, he will love and care for the family members more.

Guide to kill fleas, lice for kittens from 1 month old

For a kitten with good health, you should do the kitten removal in the following steps

Take a bowl of warm water, use a bowl and wet the cat, using a clean sponge to wet the surface of the coat. Use a baby shampoo to gently massage the cat's hair. Gently brush the surface of the cat hair. Leave 30-90 seconds of cat feline soap on the flea.

Sprinkle with baby cats' chewing or baking soda, which will help the cat dry thoroughly. This will dehydrate any fleas. Then make the powder penetrate under the coat.

Then use a smooth comb to brush the fleas and fleas. Brush it carefully so that it does not pucker, then remove the flea into a glass jar that contains soap inside.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Guide to common diseases in Dobermann dogs

This article will help some Dobermanners to understand more about them for proper treatment and prevention.

Delicate stomach of the Doberman

A common disease that Doberman puppies suffer from is stomach pain and mild diarrhea. This may be due to simple causes such as stress or changes in drinking water. The stomach of the adult Doberman men is equally sensitive, so be careful about their diet.

Changing the diet of both dogs and humans, or overeating, or stress, are the main causes of diarrhea for the Doberman. Symptoms of abdominal pain should be adjusted. If after 1 or 2 days you will not be able to recover, you must take your Doberman to see a vet and examine the stool sample.

You must inspect both the source of the feed and the waste of the dog. Diarrhea is a nuisance, but it will be more troublesome if your dog does not have a bowel movement. Constipation may be due to diet. Maybe due to lack of exercise. In the worse case, it can cause intestinal obstruction. Doberman usually swallows all sorts of miscellaneous things into the abdomen, so if you do not see anything in the backyard within a day or two, it's a good idea to give it to the vet. You should also keep things out that your Doberman can swallow, teach them to just chew on what you give. You can give the chewers interesting notes during training.


When breeding Doberman we have to pay attention to urinary problems. The urinary tract is a problem that needs to be addressed. For males, showing indecision or stress during urination may be a sign of urinary tract problems and should be directed to a veterinarian immediately. Male instinct is marking territory. The Doberman "dude" often marks it carefully at each dot scattered around the yard or strange place. Therefore, it must have many places to discharge the bladder. Males will be more likely to store water for use in the event of something to be marked. However, that also allows the bacteria to grow, so it takes a lot of time to empty the bladder.

As for bitches, urinary problems that bitches are most prone to are urinary tract infections, especially during puberty or during menstruation. The most common sign of biting a bitch is fever, urine, and bloody stools. If the bitch is ovulated before the oestrus, it probably will not develop enough urinary tract and result in uncontrolled (urinating).

Doberman's ears

Doberman's ears need to be cleaned and checked regularly. If the ears are trimmed then there is no need to worry anymore. If not, the ear is still as soft as the newborn baby, need careful care to avoid infection. The most common way to prevent infections is to use a cleaning solution to clean the ears. But be careful not to stir too deep into the ear.

If not cleaned regularly, the Doberman dog ear (natural ear) will be able to get infected many times throughout its life. The main purpose is "prevention rather than cure". Symptoms of an infection include: rash, swelling, fever or stinking. If you find these symptoms, it is important to take the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible to stop the infection from getting worse, to prevent it from getting worse.

Teeth care

Preventing dental diseases. Dogs can not say it is hurt. In the dog world, expressing pain is a mistake, so they will learn to hide their pain. For oral problems too. Many people think the problem of dog teeth is not very interesting.

It is not enough to give them something to gnaw on or to drink. Doberman needs to be brushed monthly and cleaned every year. Gums and teeth must also be checked regularly. Still the motto of "prevention rather than cure", dental care is as essential as taking care of other parts of the body. Dog teeth do not need much care because they replace the teeth. However, brushing teeth from a young age will help the dog become accustomed to other care later.

Using new dog brushes can be easily brushed around the dog's mouth. One tip is to use a cloth wrapped around the lower jaw when brushing your teeth and vice versa when brushing your teeth. In so doing the dog will not bite the brush. For the removal of plaque, you can use a special shaving device. But be careful because the tool is very sharp. Ask your veterinarian or assistant to brush your dog's teeth and fur for this. They often take painkillers to do this job smoothly.


Doberman quite a few feathers. However, hair and skin are two parts that clearly show the condition of the dog's health. Bad variety, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, poor hygiene, and stress are the causes of bad hair. Hair loss, dandruff and acne are signs that the dog is having a health problem. The rare Doberman breeds such as Green Doberman or Isabella have a higher incidence of fur, skin and other diseases than other Doberman breeds.

Hair loss in dogs can occur in two directions, one is the fall of the hair gradually decay, two is the hair loss in each array, if not treated in time can lead to hair loss. The thinning of the hair may be due to the stress of the dog, as is the case with bitches that usually shed hair after birth. Bitches make up the body's nutrients for the baby, so it's like she's "overpriced" her nutrients. But then the hair will grow back thick.

In the case of hair loss in each section, the dog is in poor condition or the body is lacking in resistance, as it may be a condition for the bacteria to grow and eat into the pores. Lack of resistance may be due to stress or lack of certain vitamins or minerals, but with this symptom, vitamin or mineral deficiency may be abnormally severe.

How to care for puppy love

Use some of the "great moves" below to tighten the affection between you and your dog.


This is a very important job in creating a puppy look. So when manipulating, you have to be careful. In short-haired dogs, it is easier and less dangerous to use scissors than professional shears. However, with hairy dogs, the trimmer will be more suitable.

There are many types of blades for a variety of trimmers, so choose the one that works best for your dog. Make sure the blade is sharp enough so that it does not stretch the hairs and hurt the dog. In addition, you can use a cooling solution to keep the blade from becoming too hot, causing burns to the dog.

Before cutting, you should use a dog comb. During the cut, you should stroke the dog. If the dog is offended, you should stop immediately. Each cut, you should not cut too much but cut a little bit to get used to the dog gradually.


Density depends on species and activity of each child. With doggy and running dogs, you should bathe them at least once a week. You can rely on odor to check when the dog needs to be bathed. Bath too often will lose the natural protective oil of the skin, leaving the skin dry, sensitive and easily scratched.

If you would like to take a bath more often, use a pet-friendly moisturizing soap.

In hot weather, you can take a shower in the yard. However, you should choose the clean place to avoid the dog mud, soil ... It is best to use pots when the dog. Large or small pots depending on the size of the dog. Water level in the pot just to the belly of the puppy love is moderate.

Cut nails

Cutting nails is not too difficult but if you do not notice, you can hurt or cause bleeding to the dog. If your dog is a small breed like Chihuahua, Pomeranian, you can use your fingernails to cut them.

If you own large dogs such as Pit Bull, Doberman, you should buy special click for them. These tools have a safety back cover, which helps you to cut the nails to a moderate level, not too short or bleeding.

To start, you put the dog in a quiet room, play, stroked for a while, then put him down, holding a foot up. Use your thumb and thumb to gently pull your toes up.

If the nails are dark, look at the bottom of the nail to determine the length of the nail. You cut each nail and pause when the dog looks uncomfortable.

If bleeding but no hemostatic agents, you can use ground pepper. Pepper does not hurt the dog nor does it affect the health of the pet.

A guide to some bird buying experience

Each bird has its own diet, and so to start raising a bird for a scene you need to find out what their behavior and characteristics are, in order to have the proper care. Here are some of the knowledge and experience you can refer.

Choose to buy birds

First you have to make sure the bird you choose is a healthy bird. A sick bird is no good no matter how cheap. When the bird shows any symptoms of disease, then we know that the disease has often changed complex. If the bird is moody, ruffled, tired or huddled under the wings, this is not the bird you should choose. If the bird sneezes, runs nose, sits at the bottom of the cage, runs over the nostrils or feces in the tail feathers, it may be a serious problem. If the bird is breathing, causing a click or its tail waving lightly, the bird may have a serious respiratory illness and you should choose another bird.

Signs of a healthy bird include bright eyes, clean, brightly colored feathers, good appetite and strong activity. Healthy birds eat regularly and are very active. To make sure you buy a healthy bird, you should buy a bird at a reliable bird shop or bird feeder.

Buy bird cages

Now how do you choose the house for your bird? It must be safe and comfortable. Buy the largest cage you can afford to be indoors. Pay attention to the bird can not poke through the gap between the two bars of the cage. The cage must be convenient, clean and birds have easy access to food and water. Wood chips should be of appropriate size, should be natural wood. These logs can be easily bought at pet stores or you can easily pick them up. The safe wood for birds is mazanita wood, madrona wood, eucalyptus wood (due to very birds or surgery on the wooden bars in the cage, we need to find safe wood for birds). Clean the logs before putting them into cages. If you have another bird, put the new bird in a separate room as many foreign birds can carry the infectious bacteria that can be transmitted through contact. This is very important for all your feathered pets. Your veterinarian can advise you on a safe way for the two birds to get to know each other when you go for a bird's check.

Avoid using wood flooring of walnut trees. This often leads to aspergillus infection. Bottom of cage with tissue paper or cob is all. Clean or change lining every day.

Choosing and raising good cats to catch rats in the house

In your house sometimes there are mischievous mice, raise a cat to help you catch the mouse. However, picking a good cat does not know everyone

Cats are often raised as pets and at the same time they are useful animals that drive or kill rats indoors, in food warehouses. The good cats, in addition to taking the mouse, can also catch the coconut rat, the hamster, the sparrow or the fish, the frog!

But not all cats can catch mice, usually in 10 cats raised to 5-7 only eat lunch and eat ... awkward.

In order to have a good cat, in addition to knowing how to choose breeding, how to raise kittens to avoid trouble, also have to know how to practice it properly.

Choose cats to feed

Of the kittens in the feeding age, we choose the ones that have the following characteristics:

- The children play with the tail of the mother cat enthusiastically and most often (this is also the way the cat teaches the babies).

- Not too aggressive or too shy.

- Mustache, long and straight.

- The eyes and mouth are clean.

- Long, pointed, not warped or fractured.

- Two large forelegs, arched and sharp.

When sleeping, the ear is still moving and waking up first when there is a sound.

Those who have all the above characteristics, when grown up in addition to good at catching the mouse, it also looks elegant, elegant and friendly with the farmer.

In addition, it is possible to choose gender or feather color depending on the preferences of the farmer.

The way to nourish and train the cat is good

- Climbing and Stretching: By placing food on a high shelf, a 45 degree wooden stand (note: do not use bridges made of cement or metal to make the cat easy to fall and worn out).

Occasionally pick up cats for cats playing cat or "enjoy" a small amount of meat rat.

- Feed enough rice but have to add protein (meat, fish) to cats have strong muscles, care should not let cats eat salty to stimulate the prey to catch.

- Remove the worms 2-3 times a year, occasionally bathe and dry the cat on sunny days.

- Training cats to heat by sunbathing, cats will not often or in the kitchen.

- Frequently stroking, playing with the cat to create a friendly, bold.
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