Friday, October 6, 2017

How to care for bitches before, during and after birth

First, during and after birth care dogs are something that every dog ​​owner needs to pay particular attention to in order to minimize the loss of breeders.

For those who breed dogs, each time the mother gives birth to a baby is a lot of effort to care, requires the owner must have much experience and knowledge required. In this article, will show how to care for bitches before, during and after birth.

What to do when your dog is born?

- Probability: Based on the timing of the mating (the time and number of matings should be recorded), the small size of your abdomen can be expected at birth. Accordingly, if the mother is small, few will have a long gestation period, usually over 64 days, even in the case of pregnancy from 68 to 70 days. On the contrary, if the belly is large, more children will be born as early as 57 to 58 days. Therefore, the time when the puppy opens his eyes quickly or slowly depends on the number of pups at birth (If the pupil is less, the eye opening time is short due to the puppy being "older").

- Signs of mother to lay

The mother is about to give birth when she shows signs of prenatal milk for 3 to 4 days, seeing the baby move from the outside of her abdomen. Mothers eat less, more urine, even uncontrolled urination due to blunt oppression.

Before birth, 2 to 4 hours, the mother will show signs of eating, diarrhea, urine, shortness of breath, whistling, restlessness, rake, reflective nests. At this time you should find and prepare the dog for a warm, quiet, quiet place to make birth. If possible, you can fold a wood perforation up to 20cm high, clean linen inside.

Before giving birth, do not give your mother or dog to eat a variety of indigestible foods such as milk, meat, etc. During the calving process, watch for signs of difficult labor, severe pain, pregnancy, after 4 to 6 hours. Without birth, there should be no urgency to invite veterinarians to help.

Prepare a little salt water for the mother to drink.

Should intercourse be 'delivered'?

It is better to have natural bitches, but you need to watch for birth problems to handle them promptly. But with the mother dog that fierce temperament, you should not interfere too much because it can cause shock, psychological stress can cause uterine rupture, blood loss leading to death.

What is "giving birth"?

Dogs are considered to have difficulty delivering calves from 6 to 8 hours without delivery, without any fasting or pushing but unable to deliver.

What is "reverse pregnancy"?

The concept of "reverse pregnancy" for dogs does not depend on the head or tail, but rather the "pregnancy posture".

The cases of reverse pregnancy with dogs are as follows:

 - Only the head of the dog out but not out 2 front or a new out.

- Head does not come out even though there are 1 or 2 limbs out.

- The tail is out but one or two hind legs are not out.

In these cases, if you want to pull the pregnancy out, you must move back to the position of the head and two front to the front, the tail and the next two.

Should the mother eat the placenta?

When the dog naturally spawns, eating the placenta becomes self-proclaimed and biting the baby's tummy, which is perfectly normal. If you intervene to support the mother dog should also be fed from 1 to 2 placenta, should not eat whole can cause indigestion.

How to cut a cord?

You can interrupt the umbilical cord for the puppy, tie it only 1 cm away from the abdominal skin or clamp the umbilicus to stop bleeding (ensure good sterilization with alcohol 70 degrees or 5% iodine alcohol).

Should children be exposed and breastfeed soon after birth?

Just like humans, it is essential for a dog to have good early resistance to breastfeeding. If not breastfed 24 hours after birth, puppies will die prematurely.

How to care for bitches after birth

- Give your mother's milk to drink salty water and take a snack

Keep quiet and discreet for your dog and puppy

- Cleaning puppies and the back area of ​​the mother dog.

- Arrange the litter, change the lining of the litter with clean clothes. However, you should not pay too much attention to bedding, cloth, keeping in the litter because it can cause puppies trapped, not breast to breastfeed or mother to die.

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